InAfroSapiophilebyJohnny SilvercloudI Gotta Talk About Passport BrosPassport Bros: men who seek to find intimate, hopefully serious relationships with women outside of their country. In America, this means…Aug 2, 202321Aug 2, 202321
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InAfroSapiophilebyDr. Allison WiltzEquality Feels Like Oppression to White People, And We Know WhyWhite privilege provides so many benefits that letting it go feels traumatic. Let's unpack this.Dec 15, 202131Dec 15, 202131
InAfroSapiophilebyDr. Allison Wiltz5 White Privileges You Have Over Black People No Matter Who You AreDismantling the myth that some White people don't have privilegeDec 10, 202192Dec 10, 202192
InWriters and Editors of Color MagazinebyKSHHabari Gani? Ujamaa!!A celebration of Kwanzaa and cooperative economics in haikuDec 30, 20213Dec 30, 20213
InMomentumbyiWriteTeeEvanston is an Equity Project Not Reparations$25,000 housing grant is a good step, but doesn’t right the wrong of a global atrocitiesApr 19, 20211Apr 19, 20211
Hal H. HarrisWatch Me Glow Up After Winning the Medium Writers ChallengeI want to write books, y’all.Oct 15, 202110Oct 15, 202110
InZORAbyDr. Allison WiltzNetflix’s ‘Passing’ Reveals The Hidden Lives of Black People Living As WhiteBut some people are missing the point. Let’s unpack this.Sep 24, 202132Sep 24, 202132
InAfroSapiophilebyDr. Allison WiltzWhite People Love Our Fried Chicken But Not Our ProblemsCalling out the one-way relationship at the heart of AmericaSep 16, 20216Sep 16, 20216
InAn Injustice!byDr. Allison WiltzDo You Hate White People?So tired of hearing these five words, so here’s my answerSep 18, 202148Sep 18, 202148
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InCulturedbyQuintessa L. WilliamsThe Hidden History of Nichelle Nichols’ ConservatorshipThe ongoing battle behind the public Spears’ controversyAug 20, 202110Aug 20, 202110